Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chris Brown: A True Jackass

So Chris Brown is a jackass in two ways. For starters, he beat Rihanna. Who the hell does that? He made a hot girl ugly for Grammy night, and that's inexcusable. It's difficult to be a jackass with out doing something truly asinine, and ruining my Grammy experience certainly counts.

He is my kind of jackass too, though. He is kicking the barn of public apologies. He isn't questioning the true meaning of the word "is." He is not sorry for how people reacted to his words. He is not just sorry he got caught. Most importantly, he did not explain how he would have done it, if he did it. The man is just plain sorry. He screwed up badly, and he knows it. He blamed no one but himself. Sure, it's five months late (he did blame his lawyer for that), but cut him a break, his hand probably still hurts. Rihanna has only released like twelve more albums since getting her face busted up, how could he possibly have had time to apologies?

Really though, I like the sincerity here. YouTube responses are not quite what I expected.

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